5 Ways I’ve Lost Weight withought an ED
Hey friend. If you’ve followed me a while you know I have a love/hate relationship with food and fitness. I’ve shared my darkest valleys and my highest mountain tops. Lately I’ve been learning the in-between and it’s been the most beautiful.
If you’ve struggled with binging, anorexia or any other eating disorder you know how hard it is to lose weight in a healthy way or better yet maintain a weight. This is been a battle, not gonna lie. If I let go and eat what I want then food becomes a way to cope with emotions and stress. If I crank down and set high expectations then I begin to obsess, skip meals and dwell on skinny.
But lately I’ve found so much rest in the in-between and from this all-or-nothing, enneagram 9, this is out of my comfort zone. I wanted to share 5 ways I’ve been living that have helped me lose some of the weight I gained in my season of binging without falling off the cliff of anorexia. I’m not where I would like to be, but that’s the point. It’s a process!
Do. Not. Diet. But create a mindset of “today I’m going to eat just a little more healthier foods or snack just a little less.” No extremes. No restrictions. No all or nothing mindsets. You are not perfect!
Create realistic exercise habits. I used to try over and over again to make myself get up really early to head to the gym before work and so often I’d sleep in and hated myself for another day ruined. Now I accept the fact that I’m more consistent after work. I bring my clothes with me so going home isn’t an option. I love exercising Monday-Friday to create a habit (I love habits) and then when the weekend comes I’m usually outside doing something fun but not forced. If I need a rest day during the week then I take it and try to be a little extra active that weekend. I tell myself to never miss a Monday. If I still don’t want to on Tuesday I don’t have to, but Mondays set my week up for success.
When you want M&ms, get m&ms. But when you can be content with mango or a banana then tell yourself “I can get M&ms tomorrow. They will still be there.” Choose the healthier option most and enjoy some chocolate in portion sizes that won’t leave you feeling gross and stuffed afterwards. Always remind yourself you don’t have to eat it right now-- you’re an adult and can buy more later. It’s not a now or never, eat-them-all situation.
Your next decision can be a healthy one no matter what your last one was. You go eat Mexican and stuff yourself with queso and think “Well I blew it tonight, might as well get ice cream.” This is how I gave into binging so easily. Let your very next choice be healthy and gradually there won’t be as many “blown it” nights.
Enjoy it! Exercise is so fun. My precious obsession came from a place that thrived on runner highs and sore muscles. I love seeing what my body can do and feeling so incredible after. You aren’t a machine and what works for me may not work for you. Relax, have fun, and just choose to be a little more healthy!
My health journey has swerved, sprinted, crawled and a lot in between. I talk about it cause it’s a passion and my worst nightmare all in one. It’s where I’ve seen mine sin and also the Lords sweet faithfulness. It’s taken me almost a full year to get to a place of actually enjoying exercise again. I had to be okay with the process and the results eventually came! You’ve got this friend, I believe in you!